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Additional visual development Sara Cembalisty. Get the latest music news watch video clips from music shows events and exclusive performances from your favorite artists.

Walter Campbell

Discover new music on MTV.

. Visual development Sidney DeSeve. Graphic artist Lorelay Bove. Additional visual development Marty Baumann.

Character designer Tom Ellery. His virtuosity and musical innovations. Marion Walter Jacobs May 1 1930 February 15 1968 known as Little Walter was an American blues musician singer and songwriter whose revolutionary approach to the harmonica had a strong impact on succeeding generations earning him comparisons to such seminal artists as Django Reinhardt Charlie Parker and Jimi Hendrix.

Look development artist Justin Cram. Visual development artist Dale Baer.

Walter Campbell Golden Eagle Art Gallery

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info

Walter Campbell Golden Eagle Art Gallery

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info

Walter Campbell Artwork For Sale At Online Auction Walter Campbell Biography Info


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